Hello everyone. I'm Misako. This theme park has many exciting attraction. I'm going to about Fujikyu Highland's thrill attractions represented at this park.
First, I introduce FUJIYAMA. This coaster is very high, and the height is 79m. It is world record.
Second I introduce EEJANAIKA. This coaster turns many times. The
total of turning times is 14 times, and this number is the highest number in the world.
Third I introduce DODONPA. This coaster gose up vertically, and speed reaches 172km/h. When this coaster starts, everybody will be very nervous.
That's all our presentation. Why don't you go to Fujikyu Highland during your summer vacation?
Thank you for listening for our presentation.
First, I introduce FUJIYAMA. This coaster is very high, and the height is 79m. It is world record.
Second I introduce EEJANAIKA. This coaster turns many times. The

Third I introduce DODONPA. This coaster gose up vertically, and speed reaches 172km/h. When this coaster starts, everybody will be very nervous.
That's all our presentation. Why don't you go to Fujikyu Highland during your summer vacation?
Thank you for listening for our presentation.

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